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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* PC-Directory Ver 1.6 *
* Copyright 1991 RSE Inc *
* 11/7/91 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
These instructions are for those who have experience using DOS and
understand concepts such as sub-directories, pathnames, AUTOEXEC.BAT
files, memory resident programs, hot keys, etc.. If you're not
comfortable with these terms then you might want to try our program
"FileNotes" instead. It gives you the file notes of PC-Directory but has
a simpler file manager. FileNotes can be found on your local BBS under the
name PCFN??.EXE.
*** Overview ***
With PC-Directory's (PC-Dir) filenotes you can leave 160 character
reminders to yourself, and others, on the contents, status, or
purpose of each of your files. It's excellent for describing archive
files, files that have multiple users, or simply as an aid to
remembering what's in your files. What's apparent today may draw a
total blank tomorrow. Leave yourself a filenote.
Filenotes are easy to create and display. You can display them
individually for each file, or you can review all the filenotes in a
particular directory at one time. You can also look at all the
filenotes on the entire disk. But perhaps PC-Dir's best feature is its
ability to search all the filenotes on the disk for a particular
phrase or keyword. For example, let's say you want to find all files
dealing with a specific client. PC-Directory will easily provide
you with a list of all files on the disk whose filenotes contain the
clients name.
The Catalog program (Registered Users Only)
Registered users of PC-Directory get a utility called CATALOG.
Combined with PC-Dir's filenotes, the CATALOG program creates the
ultimate catalog for anyone who uses floppy disks. Whether you use
floppies to archive important files, as backups, or everyday use,
CATALOG and PC-Dir make organizing, documenting, and locating your
files much easier.
CATALOG copies the directories and filenotes of hundreds of floppy
disks and stores them on a single disk. Then, when you need to find
a file you can use PC-Dir to search for the filename, view all the
filenotes or perform a filenote search. And you only need to do it
on one disk instead of on hundreds. To speed things up you can even
locate this catalog on your hard disk.
Think about this for a minute. Normally, if you're looking for a
specific file, and all you remember is that its on a floppy disk
somewhere, then you have to examine each floppy disk individually.
With CATALOG you only need to examine one disk, and it will tell you
which floppy the file is on. You can use PC-Dir to search ALL of your
floppy disks for a particular filename, in one simple operation. Even
better, you can do a keyword/phrase search of all the filenotes on all
your floppy disks. Like I said, it creates the ultimate floppy disk
catalog. It's an added benefit of becoming a registered user of PC-Dir.
There's more!
In addition to its filenote functions and the CATALOG program, PC-Dir
also has a powerful integrated file manager. It's comprehensive,
fast, and yet easy to learn and use. You'll find one touch commands
for many DOS functions and additional capabilities that DOS never
gave you. Features such as tag copy, tag delete, tag move, file
search, text search, tree listing of directories, and much more.
*** How much? ***
PC-Directory is user-supported shareware. As such, you are
encouraged to freely distribute copies of the PCD16.EXE file to
whomever you please, as long as you don't charge anything for the
copies. Please don't distribute the individual PC-Dir files as it
defeats the virus check, and causes other complications. Only
distribute PCD16.EXE.
If after evaluating PC-Dir you decide to continue using it, then you
need to register by sending $48 +$1 shipping to:
PC-Directory Visa or MC customers
1157 57th Drive SE call or FAX (206) 939-4105
Auburn, WA 98002 Compuserve: 72371,1557
Add $1 extra for 3.5 disk, and $5 extra for overseas orders.
Registered users receive the following benefits:
1. Technical support, the latest version of PC-Directory, and a
"decoder" which converts all future versions to registered
2. The CATALOG program we discussed earlier.
3. The CONFIG program that lets you select: Color, which key PC-
Dir uses as its "hot key", and how much memory PC-Dir uses.
4. Our other shareware products, including FileNotes, Playback,
Conjecture, Remind Me!, PC-Images, Nabbit, Hide-It and more.
5. Our sincere thanks for supporting our efforts.
A Manual containing printed documentation for all of our shareware products
(including PC-Directory) is available for an extra $5.
Those using PC-Directory in a commercial environment must register.
Site licenses are available. Please write for details.
*** Let's get started. ***
* Go to the disk and/or subdirectory where the PC-Dir files were
* If you haven't done so already, run the GO.BAT file by entering "GO"
at the DOS prompt. This creates some dummy subdirectories to practice
* If you'd like to be able to run PC-Directory from any subdirectory on
any disk, then either copy DDIR.COM and PCD.COM to one of the
subdirectories listed in the "PATH" statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
OR enter "modbat" at the DOS prompt. Your original AUTOEXEC.BAT file
will be saved as AUTOEXEC.OLD just in case you want to restore it.
(Registered Users Only) Run the CONFIG.COM program by entering
"CONFIG" at the DOS prompt. The CONFIG program lets you configure
PC-Dir for your display, choose "color" as the default, choose what
hot key is used to activate the memory resident version of PC-Dir,
and decide how much memory you want the program to use.
If you chose not to use the memory resident version of PC-Dir you may
enter "DDIR" (or "DDIR/C" for color) at any DOS prompt (instead of
the DOS "DIR" command) and PC-Directory will appear, instantly
providing you with a sorted directory listing, complete with
If you want PC-Dir to run memory resident then you first need to load
it into memory by entering "PCDIR" (or "PCDIR/C" for color) at the
DOS prompt. If you want PC-Dir loaded automatically whenever you
boot your computer then put the phrase "PCDIR" in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. If you don't have a hard disk, try putting PCDIR.COM on your
DOS disk.
Once PC-Dir is loaded into memory, you can activate it at any time,
within most applications, by simply pressing its "hot key" (Alt-D by
default). When you exit the program (by pressing Q to Quit), PC-Dir
you will return to your original application, as tho nothing had
A beeping sound while you're trying to activate PC-Dir indicates the
program is unable to activate at this time. It continues trying
until the beeping stops (about 5 seconds) and then gives up. Try
again in a few moments.
*** Getting Around ***
PC-Dir starts by listing all the files and subdirectories in the
current directory, and placing the hi-lite bar on the first file or
subdirectory listed. The number in the upper right corner of the
screen is the available space on your disk. The number immediately
before it is the bytes used by the files in this directory.
You use the hi-lite bar to select the file you're interested in. Move
the hi-lite bar using the up, down, left and right cursor keys, or by
clicking on the filename if you have a mouse.
You can also jump the hi-lite bar to the first file beginning with a
certain letter by pressing J (for jump) followed by the first letter
of the file you're interested in.
If there are more than 40 files in the directory then use the Home,
End, PgUp, and PgDn keys to move between pages of the directory
listing. To PgUp and PgDn with a mouse, simply click on the up and
down arrows.
*** Using filenotes ***
-Displaying a files individual filenote:
With AutoFilenote display on: hi-lite the desired file. If
it has a filenote it will pop-up automatically
With AutoFilenote display off: hi-lite the desired file and
press the space bar.
To toggle between AutoFilenote display on and off, press K for
Konfigr and then press A. See Konfig.
-Creating or changing a filenote:
* Hi-lite the desired file
* Press the Insert key
* Type in the filenote, up to 160 characters. Press ENTER when done.
Note: to eliminate a filenote, press the Insert key and then F1.
-Viewing all the filenotes in the current directory:
* Hi-lite the "FILENOTE" file
* Press V to View the "FILENOTE" file
-Viewing all the filenotes on the entire disk:
* Press Alt-F to select FindFile (more on FindFile later)
* Enter "FILENOTE" as the file to search for
* When the list of all the "FILENOTE" files appears then:
Select a particular file and press V to View it
-Search all filenotes on the disk for a particular phrase or keyword:
* Press F to select FNsrch (filenote search)
* Enter the phrase or keyword to search for. It need not be an
entire word, it can even be a single letter.
* A list of all files with a filenote containing the phrase or
keyword will be displayed.
* You may select any file in the list and view it (by pressing V),
or go to the directory where it resides (by pressing G)
Note: you can use this function to list all the files on the disk
that contain filenotes. Just enter as your keyword a common letter
such as "e". A list of all the files whose filenotes contain the
letter "e" would then be listed.
*** Using the CATALOG program (Registered Users Only) ***
Although we are going to talk about the Catalog program now, I
wouldn't actually create a Catalog until after you're familiar with
PC-Dir. The process will be easier to understand then.
-Creating a Catalog
* Go through all your floppies individually, determine what they
are (using PC-Dir's View function if appropriate), and create
filenotes for each file. This step isn't necessary but
filenotes are indispensable when it comes to identifying and
locating files.
* Use the CATALOG program (by running CATALOG.COM and following
the instructions) to create a master directory disk of all the
individual floppies.
The CATALOG program creates a new subdirectory called "CATALOG" on
the disk of your choice. You can create your Catalog on a floppy or
on your hard drive. We recommend your hard drive because subsequent
operations (filename searches, filenote searches, sorting, listing,
etc..) will all be done much faster.
-Adding a disk
Each time you add a disk to the CATALOG, the program gives you a disk
number that you should write on the floppy disk. The program then
creates a new subdirectory in the CATALOG subdirectory using the disk
number as the subdirectory name. The disk's directory listing and
filenotes will be kept in that subdirectory.
-Deleting a disk from the Catalog
Use DOS or PC-Dir to delete all the files in the reference number
subdirectory. For example, if you wanted to eliminate disk 6 from the
CATALOG, you'd go to the "\CATALOG\0006" subdirectory and delete all
the files in that directory. Then move to the parent directory,
"\CATALOG" and delete the subdirectory with the disk number as its
-Using the Catalog
The Catalog contains all the file information normally found in a
directory listing (except file size) and also includes any filenotes.
Therefore, it acts just as tho the files were actually there. You
can use PC-Dir to sort the listings, search for a specific file, do
filenote searches, etc. However, since the files aren't really
there, you won't be able to do text searches, or View the files.
IMPORTANT: PC-Dir lets you decide whether you want to include the
CATALOG files and subdirectories in your file searches, filenote
searches, and tree listing of directories. You can choose to Include
or Exclude the CATALOG files/directories by pressing K for Konfigr,
and then pressing "C" to toggle between Include and Exclude. The
program initially defaults to Exclude. See Konfigr in the next
section for more details.
*** PC-Directory's file management functions ***
PC-Dir's menu of available functions are listed at the bottom of the
display. Notice there are two lines. To activate a particular
function on the first line, just press the hi-lighted letter
associated with each function. For example, to View a file, you'd
press V since the V in View is hi-lited. For those functions on the
second line, you must press the Alt key as you press the hi-lited
letter associated with the function. To select a particular function
with a mouse, just click on the function name. The following is a
brief explanation of what each function does. From left to right:
-Quit Pressing Q quits the program. You can also press the
Escape key if you find that easier.
There is another way to exit the TSR version of PC-Directory. If you
would like to paste the name of the hi-lited file at the cursor
location of the calling application, then press P for Paste. For
example, you load your word processor and it asks which file you want
to edit. You can't remember, so you press the hot key to activate PC-
Dir. When you find the file you want, hi-lite it if you haven't
already, and then press P for Paste. PC-Dir will quit, you'll be
returned to your word processor, and the name of the file will be
typed in at the cursor.
You can also use this feature to launch programs at the DOS prompt.
Just activate PC-Dir from the DOS prompt, hi-lite the file you want
to run, and then press P for Paste.
-Sort Press S to sort the directory listing. You will have the
option of sorting the listing by Name, Extension, Size, or Date.
This is not only handy for easily locating files, but it also comes
in handy for tagging certain groups of files, for example, all those
over a certain size.
-DriveChg Pressing D lets you change to another disk drive.
-Copy To copy files: first tag all those files you want to
copy, move to the directory or disk where you want them copied, and
then press C to initiate the copy process. One more time:
Tag the files to be copied
Move to the disk or directory where you want the files copied
(using View, LstDirs, or DrvChg)
press C to initiate the copy process
If you press C to initiate a copy and nothing happens then you've
either not tagged any files or you're trying to copy the tagged files
to the same directory from where they came.
-Rename Pressing R lets you rename the hi-lited file.
-FNsrch Press F to initiate a search of all the filenotes on the
disk for a particular phrase or keyword. The search is not case
PC-Dir will display any files whose filenotes contain the
phrase/keyword you input. The filenames will be listed to the left
of the display and the selected file's filenote will appear on the
right. An additional menu will appear that lets you view the
selected file, or go to the directory where the file resides.
Remember, Catalog files will not be included, unless you've used
Konfigr to Include them. See Konfig.
-View Pressing V lets you instantly view the contents of the
hi-lited file. When you View a file an additional menu appears. You
can page through the file using PgUp and PgDn. You can press V to
exit the View function and return to the directory listing. You can
press the Insert key to create a filenote for the file you're
viewing. Or you can turn on/off Wordstar view, as explained in the
next paragraph.
Some word processors don't create standard ASCII files and may
look funny when viewed by PC-Dir. Many of these use the WordStar
format. Depending on the current setting, pressing W will turn WS
(WordStar) on or off.
You can also use View to move around between directories on the same
disk. Viewing a subdirectory will move you to that subdirectory.
Viewing the single dot file moves you to the root directory, and
Viewing the double dot file moves you to the next lowest (parent)
-Tag Pressing T tags the hi-lited file and moves the hi-lite
bar to the next file. You can copy, move, and delete groups of
files. You define these groups by tagging the files to be included.
See Copy, Delete, and Move.
-Move Pressing M moves the tagged files to this directory.
Moving files differs from copying in that the file is removed from
the original directory and placed in the destination directory. On
the other hand, copying creates a duplicate file in the destination
directory. Moving files is much faster than copying them.
** You may only move files to another directory on the same disk,
while you may copy files to any directory on any disk. **
To move a single, or group of files from one directory to another:
Tag the file(s) to be moved
Move to the subdirectory where you want the files moved
(using View or LstDirs)
press M to initiate the move process
-Konfigr lets you chose the setting for three important functions
of the program. When you press K for Konfigr the three functions
will be shown and their current setting will be hi-lighted. To
change the setting, simply press the first letter of the function.
For example, let's say that currently CATALOG files are excluded from
file searches and filenote searches. To include them you would press
K for Konfigr. Then press C to toggle the Catalog setting from
Exclude to Include. This is what the settings control:
Text Search: The difference between the two options is that
the WordStar search drops the hi-bit of each character in the file
before comparing it to your input, the ASCII search doesn't.
Neither is case sensitive. Unless the hi-bit is important (if
you're not sure, then it isn't) leave this setting on WordStar.
If the hi-bit is significant then choose ASCII. The default is
AutoFilenote: By pressing A you can toggle between AutoFilenote
display on and off. With AutoFilenote display on, a file's
filenote is automatically displayed when the file is hi-lited.
With it off, you must hi-lite the file and press the Space Bar to
display its filenote.
Catalog: This determines whether the files and directories in
your Catalog are included in filename searches, filenote searches,
and the "tree" listing of all the directories. Since most of the
time you'll use PC-Dir to work on your current files, the program
defaults to the "Exclude" setting. Make sure you change this
setting if you want to "Include" the Catalog files and directories
in your operations.
-LstDirs Pressing L lists in "tree" form all the directories on
the disk. You can move to any one of them by clicking on the
directory name with a mouse, or hi-liting the directory name and
pressing V for View or G for Goto. If the tree listing instantly
appeared and you've added or deleted a subdirectory since the last
time you pressed L for LstDirs, then you'll want to update the tree
listing by pressing U for Update.
-InsFN Press the Insert key to create a filenote for the hi-
lited file. To delete a filenote, enter a filenote of only one
-Delete Press the delete key (or click on Delete) to delete the
hi-lited file. If there are any tagged files you'll be given the
option of deleting all tagged files. Be careful, tag delete is a
powerful function. Once files are deleted they're gone, you'd need a
file recover utility to get them back. BE CAREFUL!
*** Explanations for the Alternate (Alt) functions ***
-SrchTxt Press Alt S to search files in the directory for the text
you specify. Unless you've changed it using Konfig, the search will
be a WordStar search, where the hi-bit of each byte is set to zero
before the comparison is made. See Konfigr for details.
PC-Dir searches from the hi-lited file to the end of the directory list,
or until you press the Escape key. This can be very handy. For
example, if you know the file you're looking for was created after a
certain date, you could sort the directory by date, hi-lite the first
file with the beginning date and then initiate the search. That way
you wouldn't have to search all the files in the directory. Or if
you know the file you're looking for has a certain extension, you
could sort the directory listing by extension, hi-lite the first file
with that extension, and press Escape when all files with that
extension have been searched. This feature can be a real time saver.
PC-Dir tags any file that contains your text. If you View a file
containing your text, the selected text will be hi-lited.
-Duplicate Pressing Alt D duplicates the hi-lited file,
giving it the new name you specify.
-ChgAtts Alt C lets you change the attributes of the hi-lited file
or subdirectory. You simply tag those attributes you want and finish
by pressing the Return or Enter key.
-FindFile Pressing Alt F searches the entire disk to find the
filename you specify. Global characters (* and ?) are accepted. A
list will be created showing the full pathnames of all files that
match your input. You can move to the directory containing any of
the files by clicking the file you're interested in or by hi-liting
it and pressing G. You can view any of the files by hi-liting them
and pressing V.
Remember, Catalog files won't be included unless you've used Konfigr
to Include them. See Konfigr.
-TagFuncs Instead of tagging files individually you may
want to do group tags. Pressing Alt T brings up another menu which
lets you:
Remove tags Removes all tags
Tag: All Tags all files in this directory
Before Date Tags all files in this directory dated
on or before the date you specify
After Date Tags all files in this directory dated
on or after the date you specify
Extension Tags all files in this directory with the
extension you specify.
Date + Ext Tags all files in this directory with the
extension you specify and dated on or after
the date you specify.
These tag functions can be useful for many operations but perhaps one
of the best is as an intelligent backup. For example, you can tag
only those files created after your last backup and then use the copy
function to copy those files to your backup disk. Or, if the only
files you're really concerned about all have the same extension, you
can narrow the list even further by tagging by Date and Extension.
Or, lets say you want to archive all files created before a certain
date. It's easy with the "Tag Before Date" function and Copy.
-MakeDir Pressing Alt M makes a new subdirectory with the
name you specify.
-Print Pressing Alt P prints the hi-lited file. You can press
Esc at any time to stop the printing, however, since most printers
have a buffer, the printing may continue for a while.
*** Removing PC-Directory from memory ***
You may remove PC-Dir from memory by pressing entering "pcdir /u" at
the DOS prompt.
RESIDENT PROGRAMS LOADED AFTER IT. Failure to heed this warning will
likely result in the computer locking up, in which case you will have
to turn the power off and start over again.
*** Memory (Registered users only) ***
If you receive any "Memory Full" messages while using PC-Dir, then you
might want to consider increasing the memory PC-Directory has to work
with. You can do this using the "CONFIG" program we discussed
earlier. When asked "Adjust memory limits?" press Y for Yes and
follow the instructions. Only use as much memory as you need to.
*** Get in the habit ***
To appreciate PC-Dir you need to get in the habit of using it often.
The best way to do this is to use PC-Dir any time you would normally
use the DOS "DIR" command. There's no reason to use the DOS "DIR"
command again. PC-Dir is faster, easier, and much more useful,
providing a sorted directory listing instantly and one touch file
management functions. And, of course, PC-Dir has file notes. And
unlike DOS, it's available anytime you want it, within most any
application. It won't be long before you'll wonder how you ever got
by without it.
*** Further Information ***
Use PC-Directory's View function to review the following files:
HINTS.TXT Suggestions on how to better utilize PC-Directory.
HELP.TXT Answers to the most commonly asked questions.
UPDATE.DOC History of changes starting with version 1.5.
If you run into any problems and you can't find an answer in these
instructions or in the "HELP.TXT" file, then give us a call at (206)
939-4105. Technical support is only provided to registered users, so
have your registration number handy.
*** About our company ***
We are a small family business striving to develop quality software
and offer it at reasonable prices. We depend on our user
registration fees to remain in business. If you're using our
software, please register.
We have a "Shareware disk" of all our shareware software. Users who
register will receive a free copy. Others can receive a copy by
sending $5 ($6 for 3.5 disk) to:
RSE Shareware Disk
1157 57th Drive S.E.
Auburn, WA 98002
Thank you.
*** Copyright Notice ***
PC-Directory (tm) is copyrighted 1991 by RSE Inc.
*** Disclaimer ***
RSE Incorporated specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or
implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The software itself
is licensed "As Is", without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. In no event shall RSE Incorporated, its distributors or
dealers, be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage,
including, without limitation, special, incidental, consequential or
other damages. In no case shall any liability exceed the price paid for
the software.